Help with Coccidiosis in chick!!!!

If they have been on these meds for a week I would try some Corid on the one that is not responding to the sulfa drugs. Corid is more mild on the chicks system but more effective against all strains of coccidia from what I understand and can be purchased in the cattle section of your local farm store without a prescription. If you have the choice between the liquid or powder, I would recommend the liquid because you can direct dose the sick chick with a couple of drops of the concentrated liquid for a couple of days to give them a boost start as well as put 2 teaspoons per gallon of water (scale it down for just 3 chicks) as their only source of water. It will not hurt the recovering chicks to drink it too. It needs to be made fresh each day for 7 days and then a more dilute mixture for another 7-10 days. After the Corid treatment is finished, it is best to dose them with a vitamin supplement that contains B complex vitamins.
It is important to ensure that there is a cool end in the brooder and keep the food and water in that area to prevent coccidia flourishing in warm water. Many people do not realise that chicks do not need to be kept warm all the time and it is healthier for them to have the majority of the brooder cool and just a small area heated. Just like they would be running about in the open air if they were being raised by a broody hen and just snuggle under her to warm up when they need to. Food and water in that situation would be cold which is healthier as organisms like bacteria and protozoa like coccidia find it much harder to flourish in cold water.

X10 on the Corid immediately followed by Vitamins - NOT both together. This is oversimplified, but the way I understand it, Corid (amprolium) kills the Coccidia by eliminating the B vitamins they need to feed and grow. Chicks can't survive too long without the B vitamins, so you need to replace them as soon as you stop the Corid. Coccidia nearly killed my D'Uccles, then the vitamin deficiency nearly killed my cockerel. Vitamins brought him back within hours. It was like magic!
Months later, both are doing fine. What personable little gems they are!
(immediate edit for a typo ... Oops!)

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