Help with coop training


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2021
Piedmont North Carolina
Need some help with getting my new girls to go in the coop. I have new girls that are almost 14 weeks now and have transitioned them out side with my other girls but can’t seem to get them to go in the coop. I can’t really lock them in the coop as my other girls are using it too and nesting and laying in there. The new girls are roosting in a bush I have every night and they let me take them to the coop but can’t get them i there on their own yet. Any suggestions on what I can try?! Thanks all!
This will require significant effort. But it pays off quickly. If I can teach five-week olds to go into the coop at night and roost, you can train older ones to do it.

The first step is to put them into the coop as soon as all the hens have finished laying. Ideally, you should put them in at least two hours before dark so they can explore the coop and be comfortable in it when dark comes. Close them in and the adults out.

Second step is to place them on the perch at the opposite end from the adults and reassure them by placing a hand lightly on their backs while on the perch. By the time it gets dark, they should stay on the perch. If not, let them sleep on the floor. Let the adults in after you get the youngsters settled.

Next night, you will need to get into the coop and entice them to come inside. Use a treat to lure them in. This method is not as easy if you are also dealing with adult chickens in the same coop. It helps if you have a coop with two entrances and can partition the coop so the youngsters aren't competing with the adults. I have two coops, one dedicated to teach chicks coop life. It really helps.

A night light in the coop can act as a beacon to draw in the youngsters in at night. You can turn it out after they are settled in. You may need to encourage them inside for up to a week before they are going in on their own.
This will require significant effort. But it pays off quickly. If I can teach five-week olds to go into the coop at night and roost, you can train older ones to do it.

The first step is to put them into the coop as soon as all the hens have finished laying. Ideally, you should put them in at least two hours before dark so they can explore the coop and be comfortable in it when dark comes. Close them in and the adults out.

Second step is to place them on the perch at the opposite end from the adults and reassure them by placing a hand lightly on their backs while on the perch. By the time it gets dark, they should stay on the perch. If not, let them sleep on the floor. Let the adults in after you get the youngsters settled.

Next night, you will need to get into the coop and entice them to come inside. Use a treat to lure them in. This method is not as easy if you are also dealing with adult chickens in the same coop. It helps if you have a coop with two entrances and can partition the coop so the youngsters aren't competing with the adults. I have two coops, one dedicated to teach chicks coop life. It really helps.

A night light in the coop can act as a beacon to draw in the youngsters in at night. You can turn it out after they are settled in. You may need to encourage them inside for up to a week before they are going in on their own.
I will start giving this a try! Thanks!
I have a brooder in the coop that I use to integrate. Prior to that I used a dog crate. The littles would be in there for a few days, then have access to the run. They would go back inside after the big girls found their spots on the roost. Roosting is a battle for the best spots which is probably why they don’t want to go in. Once mine were all integrated together without bullying, they learned to follow them up the ladder to the roost. I left the dog crate open for them to hide if they were getting picked on and needed somewhere to go to hide out.
I have a few Red sex links that are Bullies… they jump and harass the little ones to no end… so it may take a few more days or a week..
If they don’t roost, at least they go in the coop and know that it is home in there
How did you integrate them...just put them out in the yard with the older birds...or....?
I was taking the out and introducing them for a couple weeks and then my wife forgot to put them up one night and have been out since. Now they have taken up in a bush every night, they will stay if I catch them and out the in the coop but can’t get them there!

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