Help with gender


In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2017
This is my first time posting on BackYard Chickens, as I could use some help. I purchased five chicks and am concerned I may have several roosters and unfortunately the local laws do not allow for roosters. They are all 19 weeks old today. One is a Rhode Island Red (RIR) and the other two Ameraucanas. I'm thinking the RIR is a male, but wouldn't roosters be crowing already? Thanks ahead of time for you help.
Rhode Island Red.jpg
Ameraucana #1.jpg
Ameraucana #2.jpg
I'd need a side pic to be 100% certain, but at 19 weeks old, he (EDT: the RIR) looks like a boy. My last rooster didn't start crowing until he was six months old. The presence of more dominant roosters suppress the hormones of the less dominant ones.
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Look at that comb it's a rooster
RIR hens can have large combs. The Easter Eggers have pea combs, which stay small in comparison. The Easter Eggers are definitely male, with very obvious male specific feathering.
Can't see the feathering well on the RIR, so can't make a determination of gender till a photo with a better angle is presented.

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