Help with Lethargic Chicken that Stopped Laying Eggs


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2022
So, by the title of this article, egg binding probably immediately comes to your mind. However, I truly have no clue what happened to my 2 year old Leghorn (I don’t believe it’s egg binding)
Basically, 4 days ago she sat on her nest, and by the end of the day, there was no egg. I wasn’t scared, because this does happen every so often. However, every day since, she’s gone to the nest for prolonged periods of time without laying. She’s also been pretty lethargic, and her comb is drooping over more than it normally is. Finally, she’s been pooping out very liquidy waste. This probably still sounds like egg binding to anyone who knows the symptoms. The reason why I’m skeptical is because I felt no egg in her tract while inspecting her. Also, she doesn’t wattle like a penguin or walk weirdly (she does walk slowly though because she’s lethargic). I have however seen her do the repeated abdomen contractions that look like she’s laying an egg, which again is a symptom of egg binding.
Does anybody have any clue whatsoever what could’ve happened to her, or what sort of illness she may have? Thanks.
Update: I truly have no clue what she was sick with, but I gave her extra calcium and electrolytes, and she seems to have fully recovered. She hasn’t laid an egg still, but I’m guessing that I should expect her to start laying again very soon.

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