Help with my decision - Free range Vs Run/ limited free range


Mar 25, 2019
Southwest Ohio
Good afternoon flock! :frow

Me and my hubby are in the midst of building our coop for the chickens. We originally was going to create a large secure run for the chickens. However I am now leaning towards free ranging. Due to liking the idea better and of course saving money. We will have a garden but the garden will be fenced off. Our property is 6 acres but the chickens will have access to 2 acres to range.

However if I would free range chickens they will be let out of the coop about an 1 1/2 hours before dawn. I'm thinking that will be an issue. Am I correct? I will be home well before dusk to closed them in for the night.

I have so far had no issues with predators in my area but I only have horses and dogs and expect they might come out of the woodwork with the chickens.
I suspect that if you let your flock out to free range that much ahead of "daylight" hours, predators will come out of the woodwork. I'd be particularly concerned about owls.

I can appreciate how problematic the timing is when you have to leave for work before it's light - been there, done that - but letting them out before it's light is, IMO, just too risky. Best of luck!
Free ranging is great, but you have to accept that losses will happen due to predation and if you get a persistent predator you will either have to confine your chickens to the coop for days on end or watch them be slowly picked off. Sooner or later predators will come, it is a matter of when rather than if. If you are emotionally attached to your chickens and they are pets, build them a run. If they are to be a commercial enterprise, build them a run, if you enjoy seeing them range and accept that there will be losses go for it but you may eventually need to build a run when word gets out to the local wildlife that chicken dinner is freely available at your place.
I used to free range and a fox would even come whilst I was there mid morning and snatch a chicken and I would chase after it and possibly even get it back but the fox would return whilst I was tending to the injured one and get another. I ended up penning them and they were like that for a year and a half but I have recently started allowing them out for some grass in the knowledge that sooner or later I will get hit and they will have to be penned again.
Also, a fence will not necessarily guarantee the chickens will stay out of your garden. Depending upon what breeds you have (heavier breeds like Orpingtons and Sussex are less likely), some will happily fly over an obstacle, even when they have plenty of other space..... grass is always greener syndrome!
Good afternoon flock! :frow

However I would free range chickens they will be let out of the coop about 1& 1/2 hours before dawn. I'm thinking that will be an issue. Am I correct? I will be home well before dusk to close them in for the night..

You will be letting them out during prime predator hunting hours. Any hawks in the area? Owls? I had an owl kill two full grown layers. Seen it eating one hen with other just killed. Anywhere the chickens can get to you don't want poop all over? like a shady car port or storage area? I have a gravel floor in my carport that ended up with poop on my tools, on my car and holes in the gravel used for dusting. Didn't take long to make a free range run with netting on the top. If the chickens are free run on 2 acres I don't see you locking them up for the night before they choose to enter the coop themselves at late dusk. They ain't cattle or sheep.
Thank you everyone for your responses. It has helped with my debating. If it wasn't for letting them out before dawn I would probably be fine with the free ranging, but alas with my work schedule it would have to be done like that. Not a big deal we will create a run for the chickens! We have to keep the horses confide might as well do the chickens too! :lau
Good afternoon flock! :frow

Me and my hubby are in the midst of building our coop for the chickens. We originally was going to create a large secure run for the chickens. However I am now leaning towards free ranging. Due to liking the idea better and of course saving money. We will have a garden but the garden will be fenced off. Our property is 6 acres but the chickens will have access to 2 acres to range.

However if I would free range chickens they will be let out of the coop about an 1 1/2 hours before dawn. I'm thinking that will be an issue. Am I correct? I will be home well before dusk to closed them in for the night.

I have so far had no issues with predators in my area but I only have horses and dogs and expect they might come out of the woodwork with the chickens.
Lots of critters are out before dawn! If I was you I would purchase an automatic chicken coop door and that way you can set the door to open after the sun comes up.
Good afternoon flock! :frow

Me and my hubby are in the midst of building our coop for the chickens. We originally was going to create a large secure run for the chickens. However I am now leaning towards free ranging. Due to liking the idea better and of course saving money. We will have a garden but the garden will be fenced off. Our property is 6 acres but the chickens will have access to 2 acres to range.

However if I would free range chickens they will be let out of the coop about an 1 1/2 hours before dawn. I'm thinking that will be an issue. Am I correct? I will be home well before dusk to closed them in for the night.

I have so far had no issues with predators in my area but I only have horses and dogs and expect they might come out of the woodwork with the chickens.
Why don’t you just get an automatic chicken coop door? That way you can program the door to open and let them out after the sun comes up.
All really good advice here.
The chickens won't come out of the coop before dawn but in Ohio, you have raccoons that will be patrolling the hour before dawn if they haven't been satiated by then. Owls may be a problem too. I had an owl kill a cockerel right after dusk this week in one building as I was locking up the other buildings.
Your situation is still doable for free ranging.
Electric fence for ground predators.
Automatic doors to keep them safe till daylight. The cost of the door is offset by not needing to build a predator tight run.
Good rooster/s for aerial daytime predators.
Free range always brings the possibility of losses. If you have enough birds and roosters and breed a lot, losing some is less painful.
Most breeds are much happier in a free range setting. Even if their life is cut short by predation, their quality of life is better even if shortened.
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