Help with My Sick Girl!!


14 Years
Jul 8, 2009
Eldersburg, Maryland
After posting on the other thread, I realized I should have started my own, sorry.

I have a new year old Barred Rock that was given to me because they no longer could have chickens. When I was going through inspecting everyone, found out that she had a really bad Bumblefoot spot on one toe. So I tried to cut as much out as I could and then cleaned it up and used the Vetericyn for a couple weeks now. Today I found her just standing around and obvious diarrhea. Not feeling good at all.

She will eat for me. I gave her some wheat bread soaked in buttermilk with 1/2 tsp epsom salts on it. Also, gave her a piece of bread soaked in Bird Biotic. Moved her to a cage with her food and water with vinegar in it. Anything else I should do for her? The Bumblefoot is closed and healed over, still a big bump on it though. Left her bandages off for now. She still has a nice red comb, but stands around with her eyes closed. So you know she isn't feeling well.

Please help with any suggestions, I am going to feel so bad if I lose this girl. This was the little boy's chicken in the family.

It has been raining and humid on and off for days now.

Thanks so much,

P.S. I used to use the Neosporin for Bumblefoot, but the Vetericyn is much better. For some reason, lots of my girls come down with Bumblefoot. Not sure if it is the area or what. I have a wonderful run and house for them. Not sure what in the world is causing it.

Sandyk's Chicken Coop
If its not healing as it should be I would continue to keep it clean and veterycine is a great choice of spray! I'd likely start her on a general anti infective like LA200 for 5 to7 days. You would dose 1/4 cc for small birds 1/2 cc for larger birds given once daily into the breast muscle. The injectable antibiotic gets into the blood stream much more quickly than a water soluble antibiotic and is usually stronger. Also dose is more certain and controlled with the injectable. I think this would give her the boost she needs to fight infection and promote healing. I really hope this helps and wish you the very best. Good luck and I hope she heals soon.

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