Help with my weird (lash?) egg please


Sep 5, 2022
Central New Mexico
Hi All :frow

I discovered this little weirdo in my Cemani coop today. The girls range from just under two to about 20 wks.

I’ve never had any of these hens/pullets give me any unusual eggs, but not sure if this a first for the youngest. Super thin shell - I broke up the mystery clump and it just looked like thick yolk.

Is this the lash egg I’ve only seen in OTHER threads? Thanks in advance 🙏 (The egg looks to have been worked a half around the egg, but if anyone would’ve attempted to open it, it would’ve busted pretty easy).
The thin shells can be common with a new layer. Have you ever noticed any long term sneezing in any birds. My flock has a respiratory virus, infectious bronchitis, that can cause a lot of abnormal egg shells.
The thin shells can be common with a new layer. Have you ever noticed any long term sneezing in any birds. My flock has a respiratory virus, infectious bronchitis, that can cause a lot of abnormal egg shells.
That is great to know! I do hear occasional sneezes here and there, but nothing I can really say is consistent. I’m fixing to move these two “girls” into another coop, so I will be able to keep an eye on it 👁️

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