HELP with seb that is hatching!!! Emergency


8 Years
Dec 15, 2011
I have a Seb that began hatching 18 hours ago. Found big pieces of the shell broken away and like an idiot listened to my husband to assist. I have a bad feeling that I shouldn't have. I did not remove any of the membrane. I picked a circle of shell away all the way around. I then read that if you wet the membrane you will see if the blood vessels have receded and I see quite a bit of red area on one section of the membrane. I am afraid now that if I pick the membrane off i will make him bleed to death but afraid to leave it for fear it will dry on him and kill him also. Please give me some advice on what to do. I hate myself for listening to my husband when I knew I shouldnt have!! It is still acting the same as before I messed with it. It is still vocal and trying to escape.
Two things: DON'T PANIC and KEEP THAT MEMBRANE DAMP. I had to assist my goose when she starting trying to hatch. Don't flood the membrane by putting to much water. Keeping it damp will allow you to see those veins, and know when its time to move forward with assisting if you need to, but too much water is bad. If the membrane dries and shrink wraps on to the gosling it makes it much much harder to assist. If the veins recede and you feel you need to assist further, just do so slowly and calmly. Make a small hole in the membrane and GENTLY peel it away from the beak area. Don't rush the assisting process. As long as the breathing stays constant and not strained and there are no obvious distress calls, give it time. Patience is key here. If you see bleeding at any point, stop, calm down, let the egg rest a while, and try again. Best of luck. Keep us posted
I have a Seb that began hatching 18 hours ago. Found big pieces of the shell broken away and like an idiot listened to my husband to assist. I have a bad feeling that I shouldn't have. I did not remove any of the membrane. I picked a circle of shell away all the way around. I then read that if you wet the membrane you will see if the blood vessels have receded and I see quite a bit of red area on one section of the membrane. I am afraid now that if I pick the membrane off i will make him bleed to death but afraid to leave it for fear it will dry on him and kill him also. Please give me some advice on what to do. I hate myself for listening to my husband when I knew I shouldnt have!! It is still acting the same as before I messed with it. It is still vocal and trying to escape.
Like ermer said, just keep the membrane damp. You can spray it, too. This is very important. Keep an eyeon the veins receeding, it takes quite a while. I take it as the gosling´s making noises, the bill already is through the shell? It´s fine, just keep the membrane damp and he´ll be ok. don´t rush him.
My goose took a solid day and a half after I started to assist to come all the way out, so don't get down or panicked.

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