Help with sick chick


8 Years
May 15, 2011
NW North Carolina
I have a bantam wyandotte that hatched 2 days ago. After she hatched she deteriorated pretty quickly, and became weak and listless. Best as I can tell, she seems to have a crooked neck. She also holds one wing kind of pointed out and up. Her toes are slightly curled too. I added save-a-chick to the water, and if I help her, she drinks. This has perked her up quite a bit. She's awake, alert, chirping, and scoots herself around the brooder on her belly. But her neck is still crooked and she can't lift her head at all. Thoughts? Is it a vitamin deficiency or a birth defect? Has anyone seen a chick like this fully recover?
I'm sorry to hear about your chick. I think it may be a birth defect... I don't know. It's best to just hang in there and wait. She may recover or she may not. I hope it works out o.k. for you.
Was she stuck in the egg? See if you can help her by holding her feet the way they should be and gently moving the wing around, both wings. If she tends to curl back up, move her so the neck can gently stretch in the other direction. Prop her so she sleeps in a natural position. Give her hardcooked yolks and offer water freq...just dip beak in, don't force. Good luck!
No she actually hatched on her own. Thanks for the advice. I've been propping her up in a comfortable position. Her neck has improved some since I started giving her vitamins, so I'm still hopeful it's a deficiency and not a defect. Plus, if I prop her up on the edge of the water dish, she's started straightening her neck, leaning down, and drinking on her own. She's so much tinier than the other chicks though. I had to make a barrier in the brooder so they wouldn't trample her.

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