Help with summer sore on horse

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
My quarter horse has a summer sore on her leg. The vet said to deworm with ivermectin weekly, scrub till it bleeds, apply hydrocortisone, and wrap with gause and vet wrap. What do you do for your summer sores, suggestions appreciated.
I will post pics tomorrow.
How's the horse doing? Were you able to get pictures? I did a quick search on it and the treatment your vet recommended seems to be correct.

Edited to add:
I don't think summer sores are common where I live. I've had horses since the 70s and I've never seen on my horse or anyone else's horse.
How's the horse doing?
She's better
Were you able to get pictures? I did a quick search on it and the treatment your vet recommended seems to be correct.
I have also been putting wonder dust on it and that seems to help. The pictures are on my dad's phone I will see if I can get them on here
Edited to add:
I don't think summer sores are common where I live. I've had horses since the 70s and I've never seen on my horse or anyone else's horse.
In Florida summer sores are very common.
When I lived in GA we would have a few cases in the summer.
Deworm with ivermectin. Wash the wound and slather on a partial tube of ivermectin. You need to kill the larvae of the stomach worm that are in the wound so totally makes sense. If you can wrap, wrap to keep flies off of it. Treat it every day, every other day. Should heal in a week to 10 days.
When I lived in GA we would have a few cases in the summer.
Deworm with ivermectin. Wash the wound and slather on a partial tube of ivermectin. You need to kill the larvae of the stomach worm that are in the wound so totally makes sense. If you can wrap, wrap to keep flies off of it. Treat it every day, every other day. Should heal in a week to 10 days.
Ok thanks we are deworming every week like vet said and keep it covered, the flies are horrendous here.

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