Help, with vertical hatch turning on shipped eggs possible detached aircell

yeah that's a good idea or I could even put a half of an egg carton under each side of the actual carton inside I was thinking or maybe turn the entire thing 360 so that the heat is in different spots each time for some reason I was reading somewhere to let them sit for 3 days and I thought is that before they start developing because they clearly have veins now.
There is 4 holes under each egg to make sure there's good airflow tiny ones of course and I set the piece of card board to kind of hold them up. This is my only option right this second to get them vertical until a Turner comes in the mail it'll take a few days I just didn't want them to lay on their side and get worse but when I'm talking about turning I'm wondering do I take the entire carton and move it like 180? Or each individual egg I've also read to let them just sit still for a few days but they're already developing I'm not sure if that's a great idea I've just never even hatched eggs vertically. Sorry if I sound stupid I didn't expect the air cell problem especially since I let them sit and rest for 24 hours before putting them in I just happened to look in and candle one today when I seen it I candled a couple more just to see if it was the only one and so far it is. But 53 eggs I'm not going to candle them all I figured just put them all vertical in case and figure out how to turn them safely.View attachment 2152013
Yeah I would top the whole incubator. Its fine for them to cool down too, as long as its under an hour or so. Ive never hatched vertically either, but I've read about it a lot.
These are button eggs, but the principle is the same.
You just need to tilt them back and forth. Maybe a total of 45-60 degrees. You don't want to turn them completely upside down or anything.
Okay so just keep on like I am and go back and forth don't actually turn the egg carton just tilt things. I've always done chicken eggs and they were my own or locally bought. I've never experienced something like this. I guess we learn as we go. I'll have to come back and update this, they only take 16-17 days to hatch. That way if anyone else ever looks this up they can just put it in the search bar. I didn't see anything pop up that someone finished the discussion. He only sent me two rare breed eggs and of course it was one of them my heart dropped!!
So you don't have a automatic that correct. If not then yeah I'd just shove something under one side of the incubator to tilt it then the other every hour to 2 hours tilt the incubator.swap to each side.
You can still hatch with detached air cell sometimes but it will take very careful turning and watching it closely. You don't want to candle, just leave it be. You can leave eggs with a detached air cell or partially detached air cell in a carton and gently elevate one side slightly and then the next. I'd advise doing this way so you're not unduly jarring the eggs at all. Those with air cell issues need a very gentle touch and as you're tilting the carton you will want to be extra gentle. I'd also recommend using a thin piece of bubble wrap inside the carton just to help provide additional stabilization. Any unnecessary movement could disrupt development. Best of luck for a good hatch!

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