Help!!!Year old hen wont eat and lose balance.

Thinking of you and your sweet hen this morning. :hugs
Well shes still alive, when I went out there she moved across her whole kennel (dog kennel) And I fed her and gave her water so hopefully she makes an improvment since she can move around a little bit. Thank you for thinking of us:hugs
Well I decided to break her neck and end her suffering. We buried her and didnt get a necropsy. But now I think one of my chickens has sour crop. I've been puking her and making sure she doesnt aspirate or whatever it's called but today when i puked her it came out her eyes and nose. I put her back down and wiped it off and she seems fine. Her crop feels like it's full of water. Any idea what to do? @katiegirl0225 @Eggcessive
The crop contents could go up through the choanal slit up into the sinuses and out of the eye sockets, I suppose.


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