
In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2018
Okay so one of my ducklings have just started to get really big , too big to hold with one hand, so I've been carrying them in a box instead of my hands well I went to start setting the box down and they jumped out , I started crying , one of the ducks seemed perfectly fine (the younger one) but the older one , I felt her, her bones seem okay but it's almost like her chest has shifted to the side and I feel so bad, I love her so much, is she gonna be okay? How do you tell if they are hurt, she seems mad at me and I just wanna know how to fix it , I think I seriously messed up, she keeps pausing and like idk , trying to bend her neck down , I'm scared, help Snapchat-1183355206.jpg
Yeah, I felt around , all bones feel normal and she's acting completely fine now , but her muscles and stuff on her chest are litterly shifted, not her whole body but just her little chest and it's like theirs more chest cushion on her right than in her center
This all happened when they jumped out ?
If it did happen when she jumped out I would contact a vet about it, you can give it a day, but don’t leave it for too long !
It might have been like that before , but not as bad, I'm noticing it after she jumped out, like I said shes acting fine but it's noticably shifted to the right, it was pretty high up , like 5ft up
I don't think she's gonna make it she doesn't seem like she's in any pain, but theirs a lump sticking out of her neck, and I feel around, I think she broke it, my parents think they are just stupid ducks and won't allow me to take them to the vet, I'm litterly dying inside, I feel like it's my fault, is she going to die?
If your parent won’t allow you to bring it to a vet then you should probably just make sure it’s eating, drinking and put her in a warm place over night, see how she is in the morning. I’d say she’ll get better, I once had a drake that fell off a hight and he could hardly walk, he went into his little pool and stayed there for most of the week and by the end of the week he was walking perfectly again

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