

In the Brooder
Oct 10, 2018
First timmer! I had a Bantam very broodie sitting for a long time. Another Bantam kept laying eggs under her. I notices she was no longer sitting. No eggs were fertilized all summer so I took eggs to house and candled them before discarding. One egg had a chick in it. And it was alive. I tried to get mamma to sit again with no luck. I have no incubators. I guessed that chick was about 14 15 days in with lots of movement. I placed it under heat lamp with the temp as close to 98. And covered it with a washcloths. It has been a week since then and no pip. I really have no idea how old the chick is. The air pocket is large but now no movement. I also had no way to control humidity. Should i leave it not knowing how old it is? Movement yesterday not today, is it dead? The egg inside looks different now! Please Help i have no clue what to do. Had no plan to hatch eggs!
First timmer! I had a Bantam very broodie sitting for a long time. Another Bantam kept laying eggs under her. I notices she was no longer sitting. No eggs were fertilized all summer so I took eggs to house and candled them before discarding. One egg had a chick in it. And it was alive. I tried to get mamma to sit again with no luck. I have no incubators. I guessed that chick was about 14 15 days in with lots of movement. I placed it under heat lamp with the temp as close to 98. And covered it with a washcloths. It has been a week since then and no pip. I really have no idea how old the chick is. The air pocket is large but now no movement. I also had no way to control humidity. Should i leave it not knowing how old it is? Movement yesterday not today, is it dead? The egg inside looks different now! Please Help i have no clue what to do. Had no plan to hatch eggs!
Take a look at the egg again. You’ll be able to see if it’s alive or not. If then chick is dead it will look kinda like a dark spot off to one side and if you gently twist the egg it will slide around.
Checked again kinda dark on one side but when i twisted it, it was solid. I don't see as many vains either. Almost none. Is that normal or did i cook it? Darn it!!!!!!
No just leave it for another day or so. When the chick fills the egg thats pretty normal. I’ve hatched a couple eggs with a heat lamp before. It’s not the highest percentage way of doing things but it’s worth a try. Good luck!
Oh man thanks so much! Should i put a damp cloth in with it? I was not prepared for this lol. 2 months ago my momma would have hatched it herself!
You can try as long as the heat lamp keeps the damp cloth warm. You don’t want it getting cold. The odds aren’t great that the chick will hatch but you never know.
Im so incredibly sad! The baby is dead. We had to back to back days of randomly hot days 80s from 40s and 50s. It's all there chick and all just had to break though and im quite sure i dried it out. thank you! Im going to buy a small incubator just incase this happens again.

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