

Jan 30, 2019
In November, I rescued what was left of a small flock of chickens (4 adults and 8 chicks) that were abandoned the end of 2017. They were left on there own to free range and were in my yard constantly since we feed tha birds. When I realized no one else was feeding them, i bought food, anda waterer and put it all out every morning.

They were roosting in some spindly trees in my front yard so I made a very large enclosure with mesh covering, bought food, a large coop and automatic door. My plan was to get them all in the coop to protect them from predators.

I have a 10 day trip in a month and I have a neighbor who will come over to put the food in, fill the waterer, and take out the food at night. I don't want her to have to do anything else.

I have been able to get all but two chickens two willingly go in the coop. I started training them to go in 17 nights ago. The two who don't want to go in are scared (one is about 9 months old, and the other 5 months old) because a couple adult hens and the rooster peck at them when they try to go in. I started covering the windows so it's dark and they won't get pecked but they don't roost cause it's too dark to find their way.

Any suggestions?
Not sure I completely understand but...once it is dark you should be able to pick up your scaredy chooks & put them on a roost in the coop. Once done several times they should put themselves to bed.
In November, I rescued what was left of a small flock of chickens (4 adults and 8 chicks) that were abandoned the end of 2017. They were left on there own to free range and were in my yard constantly since we feed tha birds. When I realized no one else was feeding them, i bought food, anda waterer and put it all out every morning.

They were roosting in some spindly trees in my front yard so I made a very large enclosure with mesh covering, bought food, a large coop and automatic door. My plan was to get them all in the coop to protect them from predators.

I have a 10 day trip in a month and I have a neighbor who will come over to put the food in, fill the waterer, and take out the food at night. I don't want her to have to do anything else.

I have been able to get all but two chickens two willingly go in the coop. I started training them to go in 17 nights ago. The two who don't want to go in are scared (one is about 9 months old, and the other 5 months old) because a couple adult hens and the rooster peck at them when they try to go in. I started covering the windows so it's dark and they won't get pecked but they don't roost cause it's too dark to find their way.

Any suggestions?
I had this same issue. I adopted 2 birds back in October and they were new and the Lowest in the pecking order still to this day. I had to get a separate coop to put them in at night. This is where the "lowest" birds roost. I say this because these are the ones prone to bullying and aren't accepted by my alpha roo. He gets along with then in the day but at night he's very territorial about his coop. Anyways, if you could catch them I would put them up and try to train them to go. You may have to get a separate space for them to roost if they aren't accepted in at night. I understand this is frustrating it has been for me .
Not sure I completely understand but...once it is dark you should be able to pick up your scaredy chooks & put them on a roost in the coop. Once done several times they should put themselves to bed.

What I started 17 days ago, around sunset, is to herd the group into the coop. On about the 12th day, all but the 2 young chickens go in the coop by themselves. From the window, I've watched the two try to go in the automatic door and can see them chased out by a couple chickens high up in the pecking order (the two are the lowest in the pecking order). I hope that's clear. I'm at my wits end. They are just scared.
I had this same issue. I adopted 2 birds back in October and they were new and the Lowest in the pecking order still to this day. I had to get a separate coop to put them in at night. This is where the "lowest" birds roost. I say this because these are the ones prone to bullying and aren't accepted by my alpha roo. He gets along with then in the day but at night he's very territorial about his coop. Anyways, if you could catch them I would put them up and try to train them to go. You may have to get a separate space for them to roost if they aren't accepted in at night. I understand this is frustrating it has been for me .
I have thought about a separate space but I can't afford another coop, or a other automatic door. Without the auto door they will be vulnerable when I'm not home at might to shut the coop.
I'm also thinking about having the culprits roost outside. I do have roosting bars high up but I wanted all to be safe inside.
Can you set the automatic door for later? The chooks will roost before it gets dark. They don't see too well in the dark.
I have the auto door set for later. If I don't force them inside, they just roost outside, so I chase them off and corral them in the coop. They're scared to go in, but more scared of me touching them.
(4 adults and 8 chicks) that were abandoned the end of 2017.
So these birds are all full grown now?
All females or some males too?

Wait, what...where did these younger birds come from?
The two who don't want to go in are scared (one is about 9 months old, and the other 5 months old) because a couple adult hens and the rooster peck at them when they try to go in.

How big is your coop, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would really help.

They way to get birds to 'home' to the coop is to put them all in there and keep them there for a week. But without enough space there could be serious injuries.
I got the coop from tractor supply. Its large EZ over coop. I dont know how to post pictures. I'll try to figure it out but if it's easy for you to "Google it", that might be faster.
This is supposed to hold up to 15 chickens and there are 13. There are only two of them who are afraid to go in. The rest go in a little before sunset.
At the beginning of 2018, only 4 made through the winter - a male & 3 females. During the year they produced a total of 8 (there were actually 12 but hawks got 4) - 3 males & 5 females. 5 of the 8, 5 are 8-9 months old and 3 are 5 months old.

Yesterday as I coaxed one of the scared chickens, I saw one of the adult hens try to force him out. I poked her with a stick and she moved so he can get in. I've seen the adult hens do this more than the adult male.

My chickens are Australorps. They are supposed be docile and if raised together they get along well.

I just bought a spray that is supposed to taste so bad that once it's sprayed on the two scared ones,, the this issue should stop. We'll see.

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