
yesterday my girls that have been together over a year, all started beating up one girl. Now that girl won't join in with the flock and she's acting depressed, I don't know what to do. Please some advice šŸ™
I have a loner for 3 yrs I feel bad for her but she's ornery too I just baby her I do put out 3 feeders and waters different spots hers where she usually goes in the morning and treats I spread them far apart to make sure she gets some too plus I'm the chicken police in my county (yard lol) so they barely get away with anything šŸ˜Šā¤šŸ”
Thank you, this behavior from her is very new. She's my mostly cuddley girl and is super sweet so I don't know why the other girls ganged up on her all of a sudden.
Look over the bird that was attacked well, give her a complete health check. Look at droppings, are they normal or not, is she eating and drinking well, look for lice/mites, any injuries, how is her weight, any respiratory symptoms, etc. Often times a bird that is exhibiting weakness or illness will get attacked by the flock. It's survival instinct in them, a weak bird draws predators so they try to drive it out. The symptoms may be very subtle and missed by a human, but the birds know. If the attacks are continuing then I would put her in a wire crate where they can see her and she can see them, but remain safe, until you figure out what is going on.
I checked her over Thoroughly she seems healthy and her weight and poop are fine. I didn't quarantine her because she separated herself from the rest of the flock. But I will if you think that I should, I just didn't want to depress her further because she is used to free range.
Something is going on if she's being attacked. You can also sit out and observe for a while and try to see what's going on. Sometimes just taking some time to really watch will answer a lot of questions. You could have a bully, in which case I would isolate that bird for a while, to try to reset the pecking order. But when one bird is getting attacked by many others, there is usually an issue with that bird. I know in some cases people have rehomed a bird that just gets constantly picked on. But I would really try to rule out a health issue first.
I will be keeping a very good eye on her. It's not difficult because I only have 4 adult girls and 2 pullets. I gave her, her own treats and water, I can completely isolate her if needed, but right now she is doing it herself. This is the first time she has ever been attacked and the other girls truly seem to be ignoring her now.
Isolating herself is also an indication that she may not be feeling well. Many birds will have spats, and they will give the dominant bird space, but otherwise behave normally. Another thought is overcrowding. Bullying can be much worse if the space is too small and the lower pecking order birds need to be able to get away and have places to hide (make sure they cannot be cornered).
Most vets don't do chickens, but some do. You can check around. How much space do they have, and has their environment changed at all recently? (Like temperature, food, housing, new birds...)

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