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How old? And will they stop fighting or forever keep fighting?

There is no easy answer to this. Some will fight to the death in their first fight. Others....if there is enough room will fight and then avoid each other until they get to close then they fight again.

Roosters fighting is horrible. They rip each other up causing a lot of injury and blood.
Sometimes one will "win" and while the other still lives he is so injured it would be best to kill him rather than let him suffer then die.

Is that something you can do if it is needed?

Just so you know I speak from experience.....

Many years ago I bought 5 white silkies. They all turned out to be males.
Even though they were just 4 months old they were acting up. I did not separate them in time. They ganged up on my tiny Japanese black tail rooster. They tore his comb off, pecked his eye out, broke his toes, and stripped all the feathers off his tail. When I got home from work that day it was quite a horrible thing to see. Poor Bill was still alive. My Jersey Giant hen was standing guard. She was my top bird. Bill lived but it was a looooong road to recovery and I probably should have ended it.
The silkies.....they did not get to live with the flock. I had to cage them until I could get rid of them.
I just realized that in your other thread asking for help because your rooster just started crowing, you said that you’re not legally allowed to keep roosters. That right there should answer your questions about keeping them or your pullet. Keeping not one, but two roosters where it’s illegal to have them jeopardizes not only your privilege to keep any chickens at all, but also that of everyone else in your community who has them.
I completely agree. The law is the law, keep the pullet and give the roosters to a good home.
I can't believe I have spent all this time reading these repetitive questions - and the person isn't even Legal to keep Roosters - I think folks are being played here.

I think (and just guessing) that the OP is on the younger side and was hoping to unearth a perfect solution if they just kicked the stone around for long enough. The reality is that there isn't an answer where they can legally keep all 3 birds, short of convincing their household to move to another neighborhood.
So do I have to add more?

oh no then what did you do?
We then our neighbors complained about them... A LOT. Wrote tp our HOA and stuff.
We ended up slaughtering them, as nobody wanted them. Our hen was solitary for over 2 months, but we now have 2 chicks for her, and she cares for them and keeps them warm at night. She's a silkie.
Thanks, do I have to get full grown hens or just chicks?
I wouldn’t get baby chicks unless you have a way to separate them from your pullet until they’re old enough to integrate with your pullet. By getting babies, you also run the risk of getting more males. Integration might be tricky anyway since you don’t have much space. It would be ideal if you could get pullets at least a couple of months old.
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