My chickens just went through this. I freaked out and did all the research on fowl pox. There is no cure and all you can do is make them comfortable and treat the bumps. It can kill them Especially wet pox which is inside the mouth and throat so make sure your prepared for that. It should take two weeks for the bumps to appear and two or more weeks for the bumps to go away on each chicken. It could be a couple Months for it to clear the flock entirely but after that they shouldn’t get it again unless they are stressed ( I think). Good luck and make sure to give them a lot of TLC.
My chickens just went through this. I freaked out and did all the research on fowl pox. There is no cure and all you can do is make them comfortable and treat the bumps. It can kill them Especially wet pox which is inside the mouth and throat so make sure your prepared for that. It should take two weeks for the bumps to appear and two or more weeks for the bumps to go away on each chicken. It could be a couple Months for it to clear the flock entirely but after that they shouldn’t get it again unless they are stressed ( I think). Good luck and make sure to give them a lot of TLC.
Thank you for the info! I am in freak out mode. Lol! We are new to chickens and have had them since August with no issues. Do you happen to know how they would have contracted it in the first place?!
Chickens get fowl pox from mosquitoes. It is a virus that lasts about 3 weeks, and most grown chickens can recover. Only a small portion may get the wet form of fowl pox, and that is when they have yellow plaques or patches inside the beak and throat. Wet (diphtheritic) pox is more serious. You can also use Terramycin eye ointment in the chickens eye twice a day, which can help prevent an eye infection. Use the plain Neosporin if you cannot get Terramycin from a feed store. Here is some reading about pox:
Fowl pox is most commonly contracted by a mosquito carrying the virus. Have you added any new birds recently?
What?! That’s interesting. No, we got our entire flock from one person at the same time back in August. This hen is the first one I’ve noticed having it so far.

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