There I placed it next to the oil heater it is warm I guess


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You mean a heating source?
Where are you from. Just the state or country. This will help us help you. A heating pad in the US is a covered pad that heats up with electricity and is usually used by people who have sore muscle, shoulder pain, or back pain. Sometimes the heat from it can soothe sore muscles. You would cover it with a towel or a thicker piece of cloth and have the chick lie on it. To keep warm and maybe make a little tent over the chick to keep the heat inside.
I'm from
Where are you from. Just the state or country. This will help us help you. A heating pad in the US is a covering pad that heats up with electricity and is usually use by people who have sore muscle, shoulder pain, or back. Sometimes the heat from it can soothe sore muscles
I'm from Libya beside Egypt
If it's not to weak, but getting it warmed up needs to be first priority. If you try forcing it water, it can aspirate it (get it in its lungs) and will for sure die with the condition its in.
If you're up for it, placing it inside your shirt on your chest is a good way to bring body temperature up. If you want to do that, cupping your hands over your shirt too will give additional heat. If you're not comfortable with having it in your shirt, placing it in from of the heater will do i suppose. Or put warm water in a zip lock bag, make a nest on top of it out of a rag or something, and put the chick on top of thag.

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