

In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2021
Not sure where to begin but it started with vent gleet last week. I gave her a few epsom salt baths and used the vaginal cream like I read, acv and some Greek yogurt. The past few days she has seemed to be acting better not normal for her though. She’s been eating and drinking, well today I checked on her and she was hunched down with some clear/yellowish stuff behind her which I’ll post and she’s just kinda stayed like that all day. She won’t eat or drink now. I gave her another salt bath this morning and as I was carrying her around I bent over with her and clear liquid came out so I thought sour crop. Massaged her and more came out, her crop feels squishy and when I Massge it I can hear burping but no liquid is coming. We just hit 93 degrees yesterday so I was thinking maybe it was from the heat. She’s slightly panting when I massage her. She hasn’t laid an egg since last week either. I’m puzzled because her comb and face gets really pale when she’s stressed but she’s been the reddest I’ve seen in a while. Any suggestions?


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There are more than one kind of crop disorders. Read this so you can tell us which one you think this hen has.

How much vaginal yeast cream did you give her for a dose? How many days did you treat with the yeast cream?

How old is the hen?

What has she been able to eat? Is she drinking okay?

Has she been laying? When was the last time? Any egg shell issues? Thin shells? Shell-less eggs? Do you think she ever had an egg break inside her?
There are more than one kind of crop disorders. Read this so you can tell us which one you think this hen has.

How much vaginal yeast cream did you give her for a dose? How many days did you treat with the yeast cream?

How old is the hen?

What has she been able to eat? Is she drinking okay?

Has she been laying? When was the last time? Any egg shell issues? Thin shells? Shell-less eggs? Do you think she ever had an egg break inside her?
She almost a year and half, she won’t eat or drink willingly. She hasn’t laid in about a week but has never had any eggs issues
Yellow poop could indicate a reproductive infection. But it's impossible to tell you for sure. Reproductive issues can slow down crop function, so that could be the reason for the crop issue.

Since she's lethargic, that adds weight to this being an infection. If you're able to find an antibiotic, you could try treating her for that and see if it helps.
Yellow poop could indicate a reproductive infection. But it's impossible to tell you for sure. Reproductive issues can slow down crop function, so that could be the reason for the crop issue.

Since she's lethargic, that adds weight to this being an infection. If you're able to find an antibiotic, you could try treating her for that and see if it helps.
I gave her an antibiotic twice yesterday. This morning her crop was slightly squishy and i know she hasn’t ate anything or drank other than what I syringed her with. So I’m thinking sour crop. Her breathing is slightly heavy when I mess with her.

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