
TSC wont carry purina game bird starter.... Never have. For some reason they wont even order it. I actually get mine at a local mom and pop lumber yard! As Martha said, turkey starter will work in a pinch, but if your gonna raise quail, you need the proper feed! I just use play sand or even dry dirt will work just fine, Mix in a little DE or seven dust and you have just treated for mites as well. They are using your feed now so they aint picky. Its a very basic act for any bird to dust bathe. Even more so for "ground birds" like quail. You will notice it helps with everything from their feather condition to mental state. Good Luck, Bill
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Quail do like to play with food. Here is a quail chick feeder that I made from Costco milk container. It works OK. I want to build one no waste feeder that hold about 20-30lbs so I don't have to deal daily. Does anyone has good plan or idea?


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