

5 Years
Mar 31, 2014
My brother works at tractor supply and he brought home a sick chick....actually I'm not really sure what's wrong with him. He can't stand right without falling over. From what t looks like both legs are in tack and functioning correctly because he does have moments where he hops and walks correctly. What is wrong with this poor baby???
Get some SaveAChick electrolytes or put some sugar in the water. Dip the beak into the water several times an hour today. Try feeding with a dropper if it won't eat. It is either suffering from stress in shipping, or it could be a brain problem from hatch. Make sure the brooder temperature is 90-95 degrees the first week in the warmest area. Sprinkle chick crumbles on a paper towel on the brooder floor to tempt it to eat. Are the legs spaced far apart (splay leg or is one leg twisted to the side?) Could you post a picture of the chick standing (close-up?) Make sure the chick is on a non-slip surface.
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