

6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
My little bantam has been sitting on eggs for a week and I'm thinking another hen went in and re arranged everything lots if eggs are Mia places and the nest is destroyed, I hurried and grabbed more straw and made it into a circle and put the eggs in the center of the circle, the eggs are still warm to the touch and I hurried to find my hen to place her back into the nest, she took a little break so I grabbed her and put her back on the best she, fixed everything and sat on them! But I'm wondering if the eggs still will hatch? Or should I just give up on them?

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Most hens know how to rearrange eggs to properly hatch. If you don't think this setting hen knows what she is doing, you could reach under her and make sure all the eggs are large end up. But generally the hen knows what to do. As long as none of them got broken, they should be fine. But if this hen is going to be bothered while setting, I would block her area off so none of the other birds disturb her and her eggs. Keep food and water in this area as well so she doesn't have to go far to get nourishment.

Good luck with your broody and I hope you get some spring chicks soon!
You could try, are the eggs damaged at all? Any chance that kids or neighbors were messing around with them? Are any missing? When you have her back on the nest fix up some barricade of wire to keep other hens out. You choose when to let her get out to exercise and potty, so you can see what goes on when she leaves.
Hi. All the Eggs are good! Our neighbors love our chickens. And she laid at night while sitting on the roost....almost every morning there is a egg on the floor. The night before last... She laid a Egg without shell at all. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow. Thanks!! Monica
You could try, are the eggs damaged at all?  Any chance that kids or neighbors were messing around with them?  Are any missing?   When you have her back on the nest fix up some barricade of wire to keep other hens out.  You choose when to let her get out to exercise and potty, so you can see what goes on when she leaves.
The eggs aren't damaged or anything, it's our black hen that recently just left her 2 month old chicks and began going into the normal coop, I'm pretty sure she got into the nest and started scratching around in the nest causing the eggs to be everywhere and making the broody leave since she's on the lower end of the pecking order, I took the black hen out and put her into another coop! I'm hoping the eggs still hatch!
I just took

Welcome to BYC!

Most hens know how to rearrange eggs to properly hatch. If you don't think this setting hen knows what she is doing, you could reach under her and make sure all the eggs are large end up. But generally the hen knows what to do. As long as none of them got broken, they should be fine. But if this hen is going to be bothered while setting, I would block her area off so none of the other birds disturb her and her eggs. Keep food and water in this area as well so she doesn't have to go far to get nourishment. 

Good luck with your broody and I hope you get some spring chicks soon!
I just took out the hen, who keeps messing her nest up, I found her in the act again! The eggs aren't damaged so I'm hoping for a good hatch!!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with the hatch. X3 It is usually best to separate or keep the other hens away from the broody and her nest. The eggs will hopefully be fine since you found them pretty soon. There are a couple of nice articles on broody hens in the Learning Center you might like
Hope the girl that needs to go to the vet is OK.

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