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Good luck with your injured bird!
Never mind it doesn't seem to be getting better. Checked on it again today and it doesn't seem any better. I thought it was but it wasnt. It's even more swollen at the original wound and the tip is still weak. I don't know what to do. The original wound is pretty much healed up. But it's swollen still and it's causing the tip to weaken. I think the tip is loosing nutrients due to the swelling. But I'm not for sure. Does anyone know what could be causing the weakening of the tip and how I can help it?
Is it possible that she needs more calcium, minerals, or other nutrients in her diet? Or is the weakened tip cause by the swelling?
Nothing is working now that tip is practically gone. And the swelling isn't going down. And we have to go to a vet to get antibiotics to get rid of infection. Is there any antibiotics that we can give her that won't require a vet visit? We just dont have the money for a vet. Please help I'm really out of options and we don't know how to save that tip. Please help. She's our firsts and only chicken and can't stand to loose her. Please help



I am not an expert, but I personally don't think this bird needs antibiotics. It does not look infected to me. I think it is healing as it should and that top rounded part will grow out. Leave that lower section of the top mandible just as is so she can still pick up food. Keep the food wet and moist so it is easy to pick up. But I don't see any infection there. The tip of this beak is going to take about 3 months to grow out, but I think it will be just fine over time.

Keep us posted! It helps to document the growth with pics so you can see how it is coming along. It is too easy to not see it grow if you are looking at it all the time. So pick a day of the week and take a pic of the beak. Do this every week and I think you will start to see it grow.

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