"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

Man, it must be that time of year. I put some roosters up for free on our online community bulletin board last night and people are going NUTS over them.
C'mon people, come get 'em!

The really good thing is, these guys aren't big enough to make a good McNugget so they don't want them for eating.
I've been applying for jobs and sending out resumes for the last two days straight... blah! I've looked at the school my sister is going to also... I dunno though i kinda have to do one or the other! He still has not tried to call me or message me so a big huh to him. My mom got her and i tickets for wednesday at the houston rodeo for MCBRIDE! I'm excited!
Well i am already in school for Vet Technology but i was wanting to switch to a masters in agriculture. I dunno though i've been looking. I can make good money doing what i did in the army as a logistan so i might just follow up schooling for that.

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