The skylight lets in an amazing amount of light! I took pics. 20170825_140425.jpg 20170825_140433.jpg the second picture shows where the skylight is not letting in light, but looks lighter due to the flash. But you get the idea.
The divider is done, just need to put a latch on there. I also have to address the gaps up where the frame meets the roof. I have been gathering branches for perches, so hopefully that will get done soon. Also the pop holes need to be cut and nest boxes built. As well, i need to put mesh around the perimeter down into the ground so no critters get under the coop. Love that things are getting done!
Sure, here is a picture of the divider. It has a panel on each side of the central door. You are seeing the door on the left and one panel on the right. I can' t get a picture of the whole thing because of the width of the front door hole. The open looking areas are covered with chicken wire.
20170825_162736.jpg 20170814_133212.jpg The skylight is 2 shower doors end to end on a wooden frame with lots of caulk and adhesive. I love the light it lets in.
Today the divider got finished and the latch is on! I dug a trench and attached hardware cloth to the side of the coop, then buried it. Phew! Even though it is cooler, the digging makes me sweat. I need to attach the panels of the dog run to the coop, so i am going to have to buy hurricane straps or some sort of metal to secure it.
I cut one of the pop holes by marking where i wanted to cut it on the inside, then drilling a big hole in each corner. Then i got out the jig saw and cut on the outside to make the opening. I want to be able to close the pop hole at night or if it is very cold. So i am making a frame around three sides and i need a sheet of metal the right size as a sliding door.
Also cut out four pieces for a feeder and painted them. I will need three more pieces, which had to wait as it was getting dark. 20170825_171020.jpg The hardware cloth attached to the coop, extending into the ditch i dug.

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