I found out yesterday that I cannot eat a Big Mac for lunch, and then go to the Red Eye brewery and eat one of their hamburgers , too. I suffered until 5 AM trying to get to sleep. too much meat..
Was thinking about this. When I was a kid I used to tease my dad mercilessly when he complained he couldn't eat McDonalds (he actually had some pretty serious intestinal issues) but as I got older I realized that a lot of stuff just doesn't go thru as easily as when you are younger.
I used to eat those red pickled slightly hot peppers on my bbq's. I had to quit that about a year ago..
I know what that "knot" feels like Cappy..

I did make the first filler board today.
too hot to make the second one.

I bought a new set of ear muffs for sound deadening .. they really work good. I didn't realize how much I depended on the sound when making a cut with the table saw.
I was an inch into the cut before I realized I was cutting. this will take some getting used to..
Cappy, I guess a few hatching eggs won't overload you,
I once figured out that if you started out with just one pair of quail, and hatched every egg they laid, and then kept the offspring and hatched every egg that they laid and kept doing this for generation after generation, in a years time you would have over 2 million quail.. maybe more..
better start building those cages..
I used to eat those red pickled slightly hot peppers on my bbq's. I had to quit that about a year ago..
I know what that "knot" feels like Cappy..

I did make the first filler board today.
too hot to make the second one.

I bought a new set of ear muffs for sound deadening .. they really work good. I didn't realize how much I depended on the sound when making a cut with the table saw.
I was an inch into the cut before I realized I was cutting. this will take some getting used to..
Cappy, I guess a few hatching eggs won't overload you,
I once figured out that if you started out with just one pair of quail, and hatched every egg they laid, and then kept the offspring and hatched every egg that they laid and kept doing this for generation after generation, in a years time you would have over 2 million quail.. maybe more..
better start building those cages..
And if you sold all of them for $2 each...you would be a multi millionaire! I can hardly wait!
Next on my agenda, a turkey coop and run....i think a separate thread is in order for this one!
One part of one wall has progress. Yay. So happy there's real progress.

Of course, hubby and I decided to go to the beach with our son, and let my dog have a good run around. It was awesome.

I was looking for shellfish but couldn't find any that I wanted. I found a small paddle crab.

Then I totally mangled my toe. Got it caught in my dogs lead and wrenched it off to the side. It was looking very obviously broken or badly dislocated. I'm going with broken.

Of course breaking bones isn't new to me. I've still got a chicken roasting in the oven, a child to feed and get into bed. Then I might go in to after hours and get them to xray it. There's not much they can do that I can't do at home already.

Oh well, such is life for me :idunno
I forgot to add a picture


Tin is on the back wall. The tin will carry on all around the base. Its buried into the ground too.

And that's my dog, Styx, in front of the coop.
youngest DD took us out for Fathers" Day breakfast. I had stuffed crepes with raspberry sauce all over them..
93F here right now. I turned on the living room and one of the bedroom AC's.
was thinking I would drag out the lawn mower today to see if it will start. but the heat ruined that idea..
I knew a woman who was raising quail.
IDK if she still does. she was selling them to a couple of restaurants .. she lives in northern Wisc in the tourist area..
One part of one wall has progress. Yay. So happy there's real progress.

Of course, hubby and I decided to go to the beach with our son, and let my dog have a good run around. It was awesome.

I was looking for shellfish but couldn't find any that I wanted. I found a small paddle crab.

Then I totally mangled my toe. Got it caught in my dogs lead and wrenched it off to the side. It was looking very obviously broken or badly dislocated. I'm going with broken.

Of course breaking bones isn't new to me. I've still got a chicken roasting in the oven, a child to feed and get into bed. Then I might go in to after hours and get them to xray it. There's not much they can do that I can't do at home already.

Oh well, such is life for me :idunno
I did that not paying attention to where i was walking! Slammed my toe into a really big heavy piece of furniture! Spiral fracture, hurt like hell. I pulled it straight because i couldn't get a shoe on to go to the ER. They do nothing for a broken toe.
Only dislocated. Miracles do happen.

Toe is a lovely shade of black and blue, but its good to know what the damage is. Thankfully not much considering how gruesome it looked before I straightened it.

Hoping to help hubby with getting more walls on the coop. Thankfully I can still wear my work boots. Steel toes are really supportive footwear.

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