good evening,
I hopped on the lawn mower and mowed the east side while waiting for Annie to get ready to empty the freezer.
I went in to cool off and see if she was ready.
She had gone out and emptied the freezer already. lots of venison. the flies found the dumpster immediately.
I hauled the dumpster out to the road for pickup tomorrow. I kind of doubt they will take it. Too heavy..
then I got a chain and a rope and a strap and a couple of come-alongs..
I muscled the freezer away from the wall and to the center of the garage.
looped a rope around it and hooked it to the tractor bucket. dragged it from the rear of the garage all the way out into the parking area. it was heavy due to four inches of water in the bottom.
got the bucket underneath it and carried it way back to the burn pile. dumped the water. carried it back to the garage.
Annie called someone who will come pick it up..
lots of the stuff made in Japan is made for American companies , to their specifications. can't really blame Japan for all of it..
the tariffs are just now hitting the cheese makers of Wisconsin. they already hit the
Gen Sing (Shang) growers..
grains are getting it, too..
It will trickle down and affect all of us ..
I worked on moving birds around today. It was quite hot so lots of water for all.
Also worked on the turkey coop this evening, got another strip of welded wire on , and started the third but ran out of wire. And it got dark, so it was time to pack it in.
Tonight i worked for a little while on the quail duplex. Put the wire on the other end and painted the back of the duplex a second time. Plus i painted parts for a quail dust bath loft and a ramp for another.
I sure hope it's no hotter than July has been. At least i think i burned off some pounds.
Today i lashed together the welded wire and tacked down what needed to be finished. It was pretty dark so i had to touch each staple after i fired the stapler because my eyes are bleary from allergies and i was really having trouble seeing. I only have a 6x6 foot area of the roof to finish. I need to tack on hardware cloth along the bottom.
good morning,
tough going when you can't see, eh ?
me too..
Yesterday I got a lot accomplished.
went out for breakfast, was back home by 7AM
wound up the wire from the electric dog fence. we never did get it working.
mowed the weeds where the wire was.
then I mowed the whole lawn and in the nut orchard.
the garbage man took our stinky thawed out food. we put the food into two dumpsters to lessen the weight ..
I hosed out the dumpsters..
it rained here a little while ago. not much, though. wasn't supposed to rain at all..
less than five miles to the south of us, there wasn't a drop..
the grass was growing great all through the dry hot spell. so now with this rain it should really take off..

ETA: more rain moved in before came in waves.
it would rain real hard and then quit. and it did move farther south..
the temp right now is 68F.. and cloudy.. but the sun is trying to come out.
the corn has been growing like crazy with just the humidity and dew for moisture.. It will really take off now with this nice drink..
the soy bean fields are looking lush, too..
I wonder if they would make a good cover crop to be plowed in for green manure..???

My bil had his office building in Sun Prairie. haven't heard if it was destroyed or not with that gas blast..
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good morning,
tough going when you can't see, eh ?
me too..
Yesterday I got a lot accomplished.
went out for breakfast, was back home by 7AM
wound up the wire from the electric dog fence. we never did get it working.
mowed the weeds where the wire was.
then I mowed the whole lawn and in the nut orchard.
the garbage man took our stinky thawed out food. we put the food into two dumpsters to lessen the weight ..
I hosed out the dumpsters..
it rained here a little while ago. not much, though. wasn't supposed to rain at all..
less than five miles to the south of us, there wasn't a drop..
the grass was growing great all through the dry hot spell. so now with this rain it should really take off..

ETA: more rain moved in before came in waves.
it would rain real hard and then quit. and it did move farther south..
the temp right now is 68F.. and cloudy.. but the sun is trying to come out.
the corn has been growing like crazy with just the humidity and dew for moisture.. It will really take off now with this nice drink..
the soy bean fields are looking lush, too..
I wonder if they would make a good cover crop to be plowed in for green manure..???

My bil had his office building in Sun Prairie. haven't heard if it was destroyed or not with that gas blast..
What kind of electric dog fence is it, Jim?
Sure wish we could have at least half an inch of rain. Watering with the hose just isn't as good.
Never heard about a gas blast. Hope no one was injured!
The wire top for the turkey run is done, i will be going around putting some heavy duty staples in as back up. I also want to put 2 sheets of tin roofing up so there is a dry area in case of rain.
the blast in Sun Prairie , Wisc made the national news. NBC I think.
a contractor ripped open a gas main. they evacuated hundreds of people. the fire dept was there when the blast happened. a fire chief was killed. no other deaths.
I didn't go out much today. all I got done was to put up a fancy clothes hangar for Annie's bathrobe and PJ's.
She made her point last night when she hung all of her stuff on top of my things without saying a word.. I catch on real quick.. LOL well, sort of. her hangar has been sitting on top of the dresser for about a month..
I capped a couple of pens with metal roofing. I really like that stuff. all of my buildings have metal roofs. and a few years ago, I did the house, too..

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