Soaking the ground first can least for digging them in, how they'll grow is another story.
Yeah, first i raked off the mulch, then dug a bit ,then filled the hole with water. Dug a bit more. Watered the chickens and other birds, and then it rained a bit!
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this afternoon I figured I would face the heat, take it easy and pull a few more weeds..
the heat wasn't too unbearable. but the
mosquitoes darn near ate me alive. I don't mind getting bitten as much as I hate the buzzing in my ears and just their threats to bite..
I did get some low hanging branches cut off of the black walnut trees in the yard. now I won't have to duck when mowing.
we have had only .78" of rain in July.
normal is 2"..
this afternoon I figured I would face the heat, take it easy and pull a few more weeds..
the heat wasn't too unbearable. but the
mosquitoes darn near ate me alive. I don't mind getting bitten as much as I hate the buzzing in my ears and just their threats to bite..
I did get some low hanging branches cut off of the black walnut trees in the yard. now I won't have to duck when mowing.
we have had only .78" of rain in July.
normal is 2"..
Sounds like us. We did get a brief shower today. And i found this near my coop! 20180717_204719.jpg
What? Its a nice kingsnake. Didn't even try to bite me.
Mild snake phobia here...even pics can literally make me shudder.
I did shove this one off the patio a couple months ago, but it was chilly so it wasn't moving fast and I literally had a 7' pole(roof rake) between us.
When they move fast...shudder.

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