I put a new spark plug into the scooter today.
the old one was OK, but it was gapped too narrow.. I might have the new one gapped too wide because it sort of skips a beat now and then..
we ate at a restaurant for thanksgiving so there are no leftovers here. I told Annie that I missed the leftover stuffing the most.
So she went and bought the fixings for stuffing and a couple of cornish hens. I will cook them up next week sometime..
I always made thanksgiving dinner for the last 20 years or so..
I think we still have a couple of geese in the freezer. I want to cook one of them sometime
if you paint it with Kils, it might take care of the mold..
I saw somewhere that if you wash it with baking soda & water..
I think bleach might kill the mold ??
just put it into a spray bottle and spritz it.

winter is settling in here. light snow today and the next ten days are going to be below freezing for high temps.
that should push the frost down with no snow cover..
the apple tree still has not dropped it's leaves.. all the rest of the trees around here are bare..

Kilz is good, so is a vinegar rinse.
I am still busy getting the hutches and coops ready for winter. Almost done with the duplex brooder too.
Babies are just starting to open their eyes.
A beauty of a day today, even spring like 60° and sunny!
Coming attractions...
View attachment 1606390
Planted in a ring around the bird bath. Can hardly wait for spring!

We planted a couple hundred assorted bulbs last fall and spring was quite an adventure. Particularly since we didn't mark all the spots with labels and those we did were methodically removed by the squirrels. Still well worth the work.
We planted a couple hundred assorted bulbs last fall and spring was quite an adventure. Particularly since we didn't mark all the spots with labels and those we did were methodically removed by the squirrels. Still well worth the work.
Welcome to BYC, and the thread. I plant lots of bulbs everywhere i live that the climate will grow them. I planted quite a lot last year, but i have lots of room for more!

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