I really like the vinyl flooring that you use too!

I guess I can't ask "Where were you when I needed you?" The answer is you were right here on Backyard chickens.com.
Wow, Great Thread!!! I thank you for creating.
I spent the whole summer of 2018 building my first chicken coop while taking care of my first baby chicks in the house.:jumpy
I did not know what I was getting into...the time, the cost $$$, and the mess.:thWatch your step...:wee
I do agree that it took way longer and cost more money than planned. I am so glad that I decided to make a walk in coop.
One thing that helped me was to spend time looking at as many coop builds as possible and I took these ideas and tried to keep the best ones and put pencil to paper.
Please see my short video tour of my first chicken coop.

This is a summary of materials and cost.
I was way over budget.

My biggest regret and it cost me the life of one of our favorite chickens was a poorly designed door. Do the research. I made the mistake of buying the Guillotine style door that had No safety features and was not forgiving. It came down on a shaft and trapped my chicken and crushed her. I got rid of that immediately and after spending hours in research I believe I found the best door on market in my opinion.

This is the company I bought the second door from,
I was so happy with it that I made them a promo AD :

I also made an installation video
Please check out.

Thanks for reading my Post. Hope it works out and keep it fun.

"Keep Moving forward"
Supposed to be fairly warm tomorrow, hoping to finish up the rabbit hutch.
Gonna be warm here too, staring at noon today all that snow is gonna start melting.
Got the most of the most important parts cleared yesterday before I ran outta steam.
Still gotta dig out the run....then clean the poop board(it's been 3-4 days) and maybe change out some floor bedding.
I can hardly believe how a few degrees to the plus side can warm up the house so much..
We MIGHT hit above freezing today. but it is doubtful since it is so cloudy..
the sun porch warmed up to about 50F yesterday. the sun really helps..
this summer I have to do some repairs on some windows out there..
I have to locate some router bits for window frame profiles..
Supposed to be fairly warm tomorrow, hoping to finish up the rabbit hutch.
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Hi! New Boots says you are wonderful, so you must be. You also inspire her because you're about my age, she says, and I just turned 72. So that's who I am. I was hesitant to post this, as I'm afraid it might come off as critical, which I am not intending it to be. At all! But I'm going to be the one raising and tending to the rabbits we plan to keep after we get our land and move. I plan to get a buck and 2 does or 3 does and breed them a couple times a year for meat.
Looking at your current picture of the rabbit hutches you are building, I thought "But aren't those too small for a rabbit to live its whole life in? Like putting chickens in a coop or run that's not big enough for them? I mean...I want animals that have a good life. Or are those just 'grow out' cages for the babies you are going to kill? Since I'm the one who is going to build our rabbit hutches, I am keenly interested in how much space will be needed to be kind to our 'eating' animals.
Thank you very much!
42 weeks till retirement and moving to the new place. Still waiting for the okay from the state. Actually made headway today getting my bedroom ready for painting. We have to get rid of 3/4 of our stuff and repaint all the rooms to get the best price. I hope 42 weeks is long enough.:)
42 weeks till retirement and moving to the new place. Still waiting for the okay from the state. Actually made headway today getting my bedroom ready for painting. We have to get rid of 3/4 of our stuff and repaint all the rooms to get the best price. I hope 42 weeks is long enough.:)

last year I sold a Maremma LGD puppy up in your neck of the woods. I don't remember the exact town off hand.
it is on a goat hobby farm..

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