I'm in the process of building a coop. I am planning to put 1 large vent, and 1 smaller vent on opposite facing walls. Any helpful tips or advice to make it better. Our idea is to include a hinge door on the front.
It's to fit 9 birds! 5x4x3.5
I don't recall seeing the original post.
but, that seems kinda small for 9 chickens.
Definitely small for 9 birds.
.....and @exoticedes didn't tell us where they live, but even with a secure run in a warm climate not sure 9 birds could roost in that space.
I've put a lot of photos in my thread, but I thought I'd drop these here. We've had 36 hours of near-continuous rain, sometimes blowing strongly (and are expecting like conditions the rest of the week).

Even without latches (old hardware didn't fit), the nestboxes are dry.


Not a hint of moisture on the windowsill.


DH has ideas for a storm panel in case of hurricanes.
Love the combo nest lid and window awning!

DH was dubious about the lack of support under that corner (I think that I mentioned the family penchant for over-engineering in the other thread). Should we build a similar coop from scratch again I will include a wall on that end as combination roof support and storm baffle.

No worries then about a sagging roof corner as it ages or strong winds.

I can't speak highly enough about the monitor design for the climate of the Steamy Southeast. Even with the coop in the sun while we're working on it, it's not hotter inside than outside.

I'm also pondering a vented pop door design for a future build but am not sure how to put a sufficient awning over it to not interfere with the operation of the vertical lift. I suppose it would work if it were up against the wall of a roofed run.

All that's left to do is make a new ramp, find nestbox latches, position it, and get some electric poultry netting for the mobile run (the permanent installation will have a permanent, predator-hardened run).
How to use plywood to attach perches. I sometimes peel my sticks to help discourage mites. Right now i am more worried about racoons since one popped open a latch last night on the brooder! Good thing i had two latches on it since the snake episode.
I cut two pieces of plywood and run two parallel screws into the middle so the tip of the screw just pokes out of the plywood. The plywood goes on the outside of the wire, the stick on the inside, then drill the screw into the stick. If you use larger mesh, you might want to use a big enough piece of plywood to shield the chickens from predators while on the perch. View attachment 1101413
These are the latches I have everywhere love them and I haven't met a raccoon yet that can open them


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So I'm not new to chickens or coops but I have recently revitalized my coop, run I built new nestboxes and am building a quail pen which I am new at i love to build and I'm an upcycler all of my stuff is made from pallets and plywood


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