Your squash are probably not getting enough sunlight they need at least 6hrs of direct sunlight a day

They get more than that. On that corner they get more sun than any of the other plants, in fact. There's a little bug damage, but not much. I'm wondering if they just don't have enough root space in the tub.

This is my first year with wicking beds so I tried a number of different things to see what worked.
They get more than that. On that corner they get more sun than any of the other plants, in fact. There's a little bug damage, but not much. I'm wondering if they just don't have enough root space in the tub.

This is my first year with wicking beds so I tried a number of different things to see what worked.
Gotcha try getting a longer tote for or them and bug damage the best for that is garlic oil spray or hot pepper spray will get rid of the bugs i use garlic oil on my plants and no bug damage]


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good morning,
the main water line to the kitchen decided to spring a leak last night. Just a steady drip drip drip.. I filled a few buckets with flushing water and a gallon jug of drinking/coffee making water. we just bought 5 cases of bottled water.
Nothing is getting done until I finish my coffee.

GS does not have to go to work today, so I have some slave labor..He will get a crash course in emergency plumbing 101 ..

Nothing is getting done until I finish my coffee.


GS does not have to go to work today, so I have some slave labor..He will get a crash course in emergency plumbing 101 .

I have 14yo slave labor to help get the little coop set up as a brooder today. DH did his part getting electric to the inside. The rest is up to me -- with the extra fetch and carry muscles.

Unfortunately, I will be working in the rain.

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