Hi, what's happening ?
I have been busy . I planted the second raised bed of strawberries yesterday.
today I dug 20 holes for asparagus. I only had 17 to plant. by the end I was glad I didn't have 3 more.
It is supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope so, I need a day to heal.
We finally got some much needed rain. :celebrate

DH is on board with my plan to leave the coop/run up by the house permanently. We built it on a trailer with the idea it could be down by the garden in the summer, and up by the house in the winter. With one thing and another, we haven't moved it yet, and now I realize how much more I like having it near the house.

We added on to the coop so that I could add on to the flock. Now I need to add on to the run. I was holding off on doing that, as everything has to be dismantled to move it down to the garden.

With a year of chickening under my belt, I can see a few things I'd like to do differently and hopefully better.
Hi, what's happening ?
I have been busy . I planted the second raised bed of strawberries yesterday.
today I dug 20 holes for asparagus. I only had 17 to plant. by the end I was glad I didn't have 3 more.
It is supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope so, I need a day to heal.
Yes I tend to work every other day anymore
At the MD office again for another ear infection. Took antibiotics for a week, not much better.
I wish the heat would let up, but likely it will just get worse. Going to be a record hot summer I bet.
Trying to clean up the barnyard and the area around the garage and workshop. Really wish I had a car Port or 2 to give me shade out there. Lots of plants in pots that need to go into the ground.
My friend came the other day and picked up the Mini coop we built together. Now I have more room for my own projects. Lol
Has anyone ever taken a store bought coop and added onto it an addition?
I have this little coop which is good for the silkies since they can't fly and literally just hop up onto the ledge and into coop.
But the polish and any future other chicks I'd like to get since they are little bigger than the silkies, I thought I could add onto the existing coop and connect a larger, taller coop so Polish can utilize roosts higher than 1/2" from poop pan.
Has anyone ever taken a store bought coop and added onto it an addition?
I have this little coop which is good for the silkies since they can't fly and literally just hop up onto the ledge and into coop.
But the polish and any future other chicks I'd like to get since they are little bigger than the silkies, I thought I could add onto the existing coop and connect a larger, taller coop so Polish can utilize roosts higher than 1/2" from poop pan.
I think it would be easier to build a whole coop.
At the MD office again for another ear infection. Took antibiotics for a week, not much better.
I wish the heat would let up, but likely it will just get worse. Going to be a record hot summer I bet.
Trying to clean up the barnyard and the area around the garage and workshop. Really wish I had a car Port or 2 to give me shade out there. Lots of plants in pots that need to go into the ground.
My friend came the other day and picked up the Mini coop we built together. Now I have more room for my own projects. Lol
My ear infections stopped when I got my allergies under control. Cows milk makes my allergies worse.

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