sorry about all of your draught .
makes me almost ashamed to tell you that
we had a nice rain yesterday morning until 1pm.
both of the rain barrels are full again.
the old almost dead apple tree is producing like
never before..
the deer cannot eat the apples off of the tree
because there are no branches low enough for
them to reach.
My new fella. Hoping he gets big enough to breed my does. So handsome!
I drained both rain barrels. I rigged up long hoses
on each one. ran the water to the old apple tree.
gave it 1oo gallons to drink.
then sunday morning it rained about a
half inch. filled the first barrel about 3/4 full.
will use that to water the tree in the near future.
I turned 81 today. going to my favorite Chinese
restaurant with the family . they have super good
curry beef. I call it Panang Kai..
I drained both rain barrels. I rigged up long hoses
on each one. ran the water to the old apple tree.
gave it 1oo gallons to drink.
then sunday morning it rained about a
half inch. filled the first barrel about 3/4 full.
will use that to water the tree in the near future.
I turned 81 today. going to my favorite Chinese
restaurant with the family . they have super good
curry beef. I call it Panang Kai..
Happy Birthday 🍰

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