Helping chicks beat the summer heat


Apr 14, 2020
Boston, MA
We have five chicks in our brooder right now: three four-week-olds and two two-week-olds. Today it's not too too hot, but it's about 85 and humid. The chicks are all in shady spots, wings held away from their bodies, and open mouth breathing, which I understand are all things they do to cool down. Is there anything else I can do to help them? I've read about putting ice packs in waterers for full-grown chickens, but I don't want to do anything that might shock their young systems. I always thought chicks need room-temp water: can chicks handle cold water? Is there anything else I can do?
I gave my broody hen and chicks ice cold water and small chucks of watermelon, they were fine. Have you got a fan or can they get a breeze from a window?

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