Helping the Swedish Flower Hen

As most of you guys know I have been in contact with the APA and they have come back to me this time and they are now saying we would have to pick one color to be the basis of the Swedish Flower Hen and I explaind to them that they come in SO many different colors and if they wanted us to pick one color to BE the breed we would no longer continue with this and I said I wish to no longer push this and get them a show breed......BUT I am going to continue to get this breed recognized by the American Livestock Breeds Consevancy! Their goal with the ALBC is to strengthen and make the breed better for generations to come! They love the diversity of colors this breed displays and DO NOT wish to make us change anything about them! I still feel it would be of good practice to cull any and all birds with cross breeding in them and with split wing! This is where the breeding community will need to be set up and sent in....Thanks yall, Justin
At one point they had said they would mmake an allowence but they have gone back on their word and made me a bit upset but life goes on!
APA or not, it is worthwhile for those of us who have them to stay in contact. A giant ongoing list of all known colors and types is not a bad idea and might be valuable in the future even as just a point of reference to know what the first birds in the US are like. It might help others in the future make breeding/culling decisions esp. if down the road someone is trying to figure out if their birds are pure to what was imported, or if they have become mixed. For example, on anther thread this wk a person thought that advertised SHF crested had to be mixed b/c they person did not know that some pure SFH do have crests. So setting out a record of what we all have here at the start could have huge value in the future, perhaps even in ways we don't imagine right now.

My 7 SFH have just feathered fully and are spending their first night in an outdoor brooder w/ 6 CL of the same age to share body heat.
Already my farm dog has run off a Raccoon from near the cage & I have not seen sign of one on our property in ages. So again, things happen and having a community of folks w/ a few birds each, and trading around to keep the land race mix quality of this breed would be wise.

Obviously I don't have any adults yet, but these 7 are looking good so far. Mainly tending toward dark coloing, w/ at least 2 showing crests "sprouting". If all continue as is, I'm sure I'll have at least one extra Roo, & I will offer it to anyone on this thread (shipping or transport would be your only cost). It will be another month or 3 until I'm sure, but feel free to pm me if this is of interest.

Meanwhile, best of luck to everyone on the thread w/ SFH in the bator or under a broody :)

Also, could someone pls post photos or a link to photos of split wing I would like to see it in chicks and adults for reference; thanks.
APA or not, it is worthwhile for those of us who have them to stay in contact. A giant ongoing list of all known colors and types is not a bad idea and might be valuable in the future even as just a point of reference to know what the first birds in the US are like. It might help others in the future make breeding/culling decisions esp. if down the road someone is trying to figure out if their birds are pure to what was imported, or if they have become mixed. For example, on anther thread this wk a person thought that advertised SHF crested had to be mixed b/c they person did not know that some pure SFH do have crests. So setting out a record of what we all have here at the start could have huge value in the future, perhaps even in ways we don't imagine right now.

My 7 SFH have just feathered fully and are spending their first night in an outdoor brooder w/ 6 CL of the same age to share body heat.
Already my farm dog has run off a Raccoon from near the cage & I have not seen sign of one on our property in ages. So again, things happen and having a community of folks w/ a few birds each, and trading around to keep the land race mix quality of this breed would be wise.

Obviously I don't have any adults yet, but these 7 are looking good so far. Mainly tending toward dark coloing, w/ at least 2 showing crests "sprouting". If all continue as is, I'm sure I'll have at least one extra Roo, & I will offer it to anyone on this thread (shipping or transport would be your only cost). It will be another month or 3 until I'm sure, but feel free to pm me if this is of interest.

Meanwhile, best of luck to everyone on the thread w/ SFH in the bator or under a broody :)

Also, could someone pls post photos or a link to photos of split wing I would like to see it in chicks and adults for reference; thanks.
Yes I am going to continue with you guys and I know everyone else will stay here to keep it going! I will try to find a pic of split wing later for you!
I have 5 hens that are laying regularly. I have one rooster. Each of the five hens has a different color/pattern. The rooster and two of the hens have crests. I love the variety. I currently have 4 SFH eggs under a broody hen.

I'm sorry you hit a brick wall. I'm not surprised the APA wanted to narrow it down this much. I agree with your decision not to proceed, but I know you are disappointed after all the work you did. Good luck with the ALBC.
APA or not, it is worthwhile for those of us who have them to stay in contact. A giant ongoing list of all known colors and types is not a bad idea and might be valuable in the future even as just a point of reference to know what the first birds in the US are like. It might help others in the future make breeding/culling decisions esp. if down the road someone is trying to figure out if their birds are pure to what was imported, or if they have become mixed. For example, on anther thread this wk a person thought that advertised SHF crested had to be mixed b/c they person did not know that some pure SFH do have crests. So setting out a record of what we all have here at the start could have huge value in the future, perhaps even in ways we don't imagine right now.

My 7 SFH have just feathered fully and are spending their first night in an outdoor brooder w/ 6 CL of the same age to share body heat.
Already my farm dog has run off a Raccoon from near the cage & I have not seen sign of one on our property in ages. So again, things happen and having a community of folks w/ a few birds each, and trading around to keep the land race mix quality of this breed would be wise.

Obviously I don't have any adults yet, but these 7 are looking good so far. Mainly tending toward dark coloing, w/ at least 2 showing crests "sprouting". If all continue as is, I'm sure I'll have at least one extra Roo, & I will offer it to anyone on this thread (shipping or transport would be your only cost). It will be another month or 3 until I'm sure, but feel free to pm me if this is of interest.

Meanwhile, best of luck to everyone on the thread w/ SFH in the bator or under a broody :)

Also, could someone pls post photos or a link to photos of split wing I would like to see it in chicks and adults for reference; thanks.

Just out of curiosity, how old are the 7 that you just put outside?

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