HELPPPPP BP Inflamed eyelid!!!!!!!!

More swelling of the eyes. I made a mistake, i give her 10 milligrams nightly. She is lethargic, i haven't checked the nose.
Her bottom eyelid has begun to swell as well. I gave her a bath yesterday, and cleaned her eyelids, but it's not getting better
2 millileters? shes only a little more than a kilo (1,365 grams last friday), and still growing....
Please post some current photos of the bird, the swelling, the Baytril you have along with your syringes.
Where did you get the Baytril from and what dosing chart are you using?

Baytril 10% dose is 0.05ml per pound of weight! If you are actually giving her 1ml then you are overdosing her.

Show a photo of your syringe along with the markings it has on it and the bottle of Baytril you have.

You mention she's getting worse...what's worse? More swelling of the eye, lethargic, not eating/drinking, coughing, sneezing, etc.

You've checked her well for lice/mites, no lesions inside the beak, nostrils clear?

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