Hemp seed in feed?


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Snohomish, WA
Has anyone here ever used hemp seed as a component in a custom feed blend or as a snack? Any thoughts on if it is a good chicken food or not?
First beer, now hemp? Are we sending our chickens off to college?!? Maybe I should build a loft bed for them in the coop and feed them on a steady diet of pizza and Mountain Dew.
you all know that hemp is not the same thing as marijuana, right?

Yeah, we know. We just enjoy making immature jokes.
lol about sending them to college.

I feed them hemp granola as a treat. They looooooove it and from what I've read only good can come out of it (they have omega 3, and 6 fatty acids, 10 essential amino acids, digestible protein, and the list goes on, and no they don't have thc).
Well if you go into debt to pay for that experience and then your chickens call you begging for more money then you will have copied my experience with sending my oldest son to college.
If I have a chicken that is that smart and can get through college. I don't think I will have to worry about them calling for more money. I will be a rich woman.
I give a little hemp seed to my pigeons, it is supposed to give them lots of energy and fly faster, it is used for racing homers, I think it is kinda like sunflower chips, good treat in a small quantity, my chickens and pigeons are together so the chickens have eaten it too
* Hemp seed is great stuff for chickens, with one caveat-- It does have a ton of fiber, so they need plenty of water and grit and their poos will definitely be much bigger-- like double!! Great for putting meat on skinny birds. All that fiber and efa's and aminos is good for people, too. I often grind a tablespoon fresh to add to my hot cereal for breakfast or late night cereal snack.
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