Hen acts egg bound, but no egg to be found...


6 Years
Jun 26, 2016
Naples, FL
My hen has most of the symptoms of being egg bound. She is lethargic, won't eat or drink, and just sits and stares. No, she's not broody; I've had MANY broody hens so I know what to expect. Her comb has gotten paler since yesterday when I noticed her sitting apart from her friends. The problem is that I can't feel an egg stuck inside her. Her abdomen is softish and I've checked both externally and internally and found nothing. She has no other symptoms of illness except that her poop is too liquid. Suggestions?
If she is a few years old, it is probably internal laying, which can lead to egg yolk peritonitis. How long ago did she lay? Is he tail position up or down? Do you notice any enlargement of her lower belly between her legs? What do her poops look like? Is her crop empty by early morning?

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