Hen appears normal but wont eat?


In the Brooder
Jan 19, 2022
Bitey is a Buff Orpington Cochin cross. She was hatched in late February 2020 and currently lives mostly inside due to excessive bullying from her former flock about a year and a half ago. Recently about 3 to 4 weeks ago I noticed she was dramatically cutting back on her feed. I thought it was due to the sudden shift in weather or perhaps a bit of an upset belly which she has a history of. I'll admit she was a bit overweight at that time but now she has lost enough to be around 8 pounds. However, she still refuses to eat anything including favorite treats to the point that her poo is mostly green and watery with bile. Her behavior is still very normal otherwise. She drinks regularly, she still wanders about, plays in the sand and blankets, and is still her ornery self pecking at the freckles on my legs. I should mention that her keel is fairly prominent now and there is no sign of fluid retention in her abdomen.
I’m sorry to hear about Bitey. May I ask what you’re feeding her? And is she free range? If her crop is shrunken and squishy, she could actually not be digesting the food properly. Do you have access to a vet?
I have gone through many stages of my chickens not eating and they all seem to have different preferences when they are unwell. What has worked the best to get them eating again had been scrambled egg, soft cooked oats, peas and sweet corn when they are really off their food. When they are recovering I will swap back to chicken feed with water or even chick feed as it has got more vitamins! Good luck
She actually lives indoors due to severe bullying from the flick but she does get time to be outside with supervision as long as the weather is good. She feeds on Dumor layer crumble supplemented with extra protein. She also gets occasional treats with meal worms, scratch, and various vegetables and fruit. I have since the first post managed to book a visit to the vet but with so few vets qualified in my area she can't get in until Wednesday. As of posting this she has officially developed a sour crop but it is unclear whether it is the original cause or perhaps a side effect. I am treating by gently coaxing her to drink apple cider vinegar in water. Her behavior still has not changed despite being officially ill.

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