>Hen Attacked Younger Pullets, What's Next?<

Does everyone suggest waiting until the chicks are fully grown before making the introduction? I had the same luck today, except it was one of my other golden comets who attacked the chicks. I also have an even younger group of pullets to introduce to them, and this makes me nervous. I could always keep them in separate housing but I want to avoid that at all costs.
We just put our little 10 week old chicks with our hens. They had been in an adjoining run during the day and in a large cage in the coop at night. I was really nervous about putting them together as some of the hens were acting aggressive through the cage wire. At first it was like a frenzy with all of the grown hens chasing those little chicks around, establishing the pecking order. The chicks were fast and learned quickly to stay out of their way. They've been together 3 days now, and all seems to be going well. Really the old hens seem to ignore them now, and the chicks keep their distance. Our mixed flock: Americana, Delaware, Sussex, Rhode Island Red (the alpha hen), and White Rock. The chicks we added were Buff Orps, Brahma, Americana, and another little Sussex. Oh... I think that having plenty of room is key. We have a tight fence around an orchard where they run each day.

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