Poor thing. Can you post a photo? If you haven’t found any other wounds after a thorough search, I suspect she will be fine after she calms down. Is there any place she could have injured her own comb? Did the blood on her mouth come FROM her mouth or could it have dripped down from her comb? If it was indeed a predator, the predator will be back. Is the storage room secure? Sounds like this happened during the day? Day attack from above could be hawk, but seems like there would be more damage. Combs are the first place my girls aim for when they’re pecking each other, so could be that, too.

I'm not sure about injuring her comb, she's a weird little chicken. Whilst all of her buddies mould into glossy new feathers, she seems to be in state of constant moult(The vet has said that she is in perfect health, despite her odd toes and constant moult), rendering her a poor flier, so it is possible she smacked her comb whilst flying(or attempting too, how she manages to roost four or five meters of the ground is beyond me....)
As for the blood coming from her mouth I'm not quite sure, she has no blood in her mouth now, but what looks to be a spot of blood or scatch on the back of her throat... The storage room is more a very large shed, with very large shelf(?) areas four or five meters off of the ground, she and her three buddies roost on some old kayak paddles that are tied down and poking off the shelf. Sorry for the poor description, it's kinda hard to describe...
Yes, It did happen during the day, and I do agree that hawks would do more damage...
She lives

Sorry for the novel(it's kinda how I talk...) I'm stumped. I'll keep her inside tonight, I'm hoping she'll be fine. She's in a kind of paralyzed state at the moment, shock I guess...

Clean her up,make sure she is drinking and eating,and no infections also can we see a pic It would help us a lot.

Thankyou for the advice,I'll let her calm down and then give her a clean up, the poor girl is pretty scared.

She does not look to bad actually.
true, I think she may just be in shock, I'll keep inside tonight and then see if she has recovered tommorow:)

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