Hen Breeds


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 15, 2014
I am going to get some hens soon, but I don't know what type. I would like some golden brownish ones, but I don't know any. Can you help?
You should first choose the breed based on your climate. That will minimize management/health issues.
Then think about your needs/wants. i.e. egg size/color/quantity, bird size, temperament, broodiness, housing, etc..
When you come up with that list. Then choose the color you want from the short list.
Color is variety, shape and other characteristics is breed. Many breeds come in your favorite color.
You might start here
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Golden brownish ones...hmmm...how broad!
Maybe try Buff Orpingtons, Buff Rocks, ISA Brown, Red Star, or something along those lines might be something you're looking for. Look up pictures to see which ones you like. Hope I helped!

Looks like the others have left you with some good links. Good luck getting your new birds and enjoy BYC!
That was good advice on choosing birds based on your climate.....thank goodness I got cold hardy birds this year! You also need to decide what you want your birds for and decide what kind of temperament you want. For pets you want a docile but if you are free ranging you want flighty more alert breeds. Check out the "breeds" tab and go through the list. There are so many types to choose from it may take you awhile!!!! Personally I am glad I got an assortment to start with, now I have a better idea of what I want. I never would have chosen the Buff Orpington on my own and received one in my first assortment....I adore her!!!

Plus an assortment makes for a colorful and fun flock!!!

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