Hen changing colour

Birds feathers can get sun-bleached over the year, and then when they molt the new feathers are fresh and typically darker. By the time they are ready to molt again their dark feathers will have likely lightened again. It's more pronounced in certain colors/patterns. I find it very obvious in my KC ducks, who were almost blond before molt and are almost chocolate after. I don't know if there is a genetic component (if if it's just more noticeable in certain colors) because some birds I have seem to be the same color all the time, whereas others have an obvious change.
After one of my EEs molted, the feathers were waaaayyy more beautifully colored than before the molt. The colors were more vivid because they were brand new. Your girls are beautiful:)
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Birds feathers can get sun-bleached over the year, and then when they molt the new feathers are fresh and typically darker. By the time they are ready to molt again their dark feathers will have likely lightened again. It's more pronounced in certain colors/patterns. I find it very obvious in my KC ducks, who were almost blond before molt and are almost chocolate after. I don't know if there is a genetic component (if if it's just more noticeable in certain colors) because some birds I have seem to be the same color all the time, whereas others have an obvious change.
None of the chickens have runny poop but I thought maybe the poster was serious and it was possible worms can cause colour changes. Thanks for clarifying. These chickens are our pets so I would take them to the vet if nessasary.

I have an example of when my cockerel changed color... he got got darker as he got older...

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