Hen changing colour


Nov 8, 2018
Alberta Canada
Hi everyone,

So I am new to chickens this year. I have 3 hens about (16months) and 3 pullets about (40weeks old). While the older ons have done small molts, this seems to be the time of year that the 3 hens are doing a bigger molt. My Wyandotte and silkie have pretty much finished and my bantam cochin has started a little while ago. My question is it normal for a change in colour after the first big molt? I don't really know what colour she is, I assumed a buff or buff like colour. Now that her new feather are coming in much darker. I don't really care if she changes colour as she is a pet but I want to make sure its nothing that I should be concerned about.

Emmett before

Emmett now (chest and wings starting to get the dark feathers)
I didn't read what you said I like the pics mostly but from the looks of it your birds have worms
Is it just because she changed colour? I sent a stool sample to the vet earlier in the year just to check when I added my pullets and she said everything looked fine for worms/parasites. Should I do another sample?
I didn't read what you said I like the pics mostly but from the looks of it your birds have worms
Worms seems to be your go to answer. :idunno You can't tell if a critter has worms solely by looking at a picture unless you are looking at the color of the mucous membranes.

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