Hen Chasing the Dog?


May 24, 2019
Anyone else experience their chickens chasing their dog? I have two Barred Rock's, two Cinnamon Queens, and one EE all about 5 1/2 months old. Within the past week, one of my Barred Rock's has decided she does not like my dog. Eris (the dog) is not exactly small and the hen will run from across the yard just to peck her, she even sticks her head through the fence to try and peck the dog. The hen won't chase me though, just the dog and sometimes children if they annoy her.

Just curious as to why she may be chasing my dog.
Are you sure she isn't a cockerel?
Yep. No sickle tail feathers and Cackle Hatchery claims they are pullets.

I think she may be the dominant hen, she chooks the most and is usually the one to let me know when a cat is around. It is hilarious to watch her run-up to kids or the dog and get all puffed up like she is trying to fight. Never does it to me though. The dog is close to 40lbs and she does not care. I have noticed her underlings have started hosting fight clubs in the yard(play it seems, no lost feathers or blood), too.
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