Hen doesn't seem to be digesting its food


In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2018
Hey there please help ASAP my hen is not digesting her food she was fine yesterday but was little sick she was eating her feed properly but today she's not doing well and her crop is full and she is not eating anything and her poop colour is whitish green in colour and is watery. There is saliva in her mouth. Please help ASAP
Hey there please help ASAP my hen is not digesting her food she was fine yesterday but was little sick she was eating her feed properly but today she's not doing well and her crop is full and she is not eating anything and her poop colour is whitish green in colour and is watery. There is saliva in her mouth. Please help ASAP
Can you post some photos of her poop and of her?
When you say she is sick - do you mean that her crop is not emptying?

Look inside her beak for any obstruction, plaques, lesions or canker.
It's hard to know from your description, but I'm thinking she has a crop problem - is it hard, soft, air or fluid filled, doughy, sour, etc.?
Read the following article and let us know which one it is

Also while you are checking the crop, take a look for any lice/mites and feel her abdomen for any bloat/swelling or fluid.

How old she is, what you feed and when she last laid an egg is helpful information too.

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