Hen flogged me


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 15, 2012
Southeast Tennessee
I just built my chickens a new big coop and moved everyone in from three smaller coops. Now a young pullet just flogged me. I knocked her away and stared her down while telling her no and she was not queen of the coop I was. All the chickens backed away from me. What do I do to keep this behavior from getting out of hand? Is this part of their establishing a pecking order? And will it get worse when I add more hens to the six hens and one rooster already there.
That is what I was going to ask! Are you certain, because usually a hen will not feel the need to defend the flock if a roo is about. On the other hand if you have a young roo rather than a pullet then that would explain the behaivor. Can you post a pic of the defendant in question?
This is a young buff orpington pullet that has been laying for a month. I was over in the area where I put out their food when she went at me. She and another young female were in the same coop up until they were placed in this coop with the others and I was getting eggs from both within minutes of each other.

I didn't think I could get eggs from roos.
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Hopefully this was a one time thing caused by the stress of move. I would just be sure she has a nice quite space to rest and get used to the change. She may stop laying for a bit, give her a couple of weeks to adjust!
Hopefully this was a one time thing caused by the stress of move. I would just be sure she has a nice quite space to rest and get used to the change. She may stop laying for a bit, give her a couple of weeks to adjust!

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