| Hen gasping for air, died |

Bear and Dart

Feb 15, 2020
I have an almost 3 year old EE who is gasping for air. otherwise her eyes are clear, feathers shiny, crop is empty as if she hasn't eaten, and it seems like she's heavier than usual. She's a smaller bird and is usually very flighty. I'm concerned she'll die and i'm worried it's a disease that could spread to my other birds. She's gotten a lot worse over the span of time I found her . Thank you for any help and advice .
She died after shaking and almost seeming to sieze ( though i've noticed that this tends to happen before they die ). I know she's young, but since she's a hatchery bird could it have been old age, or even an egg related problem, or definitely respiratory like the gasping points to.
My best guess, though I'm unsure of gasping could be a symptom, would be an egg related issue. She's pretty much always layed eggs with awful shells, and it seems it's something unique to her and not their nutrition. So perhaps something went awry somewhere within her body.
I'm sorry :hugs
The gasping looks like she was on her way out, in other words I don't think that was the cause.
You say that she seemed heaver then normal, did you feel her abdomen for any bloating/excess liquid?
I'm thinking something reproductive was most likely, but then only way to know for sure would be to get a necropsy done.
Thank you. Her abdomen did seem a bit bloated like perhaps liquid was trapped there, so I'm going to guess your probably right.
I'm sorry :hugs
The gasping looks like she was on her way out, in other words I don't think that was the cause.
You say that she seemed heaver then normal, did you feel her abdomen for any bloating/excess liquid?
I'm thinking something reproductive was most likely, but then only way to know for sure would be to get a necropsy done.

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